Financial and Other Business Consultancy

Having practical industry experience of a decade and half we rightly claim to have competitive edge to share constructive insights and new ideas and evaluate the projects being considered by the client. Ideally such services yield creative ideas interchanged amongst stake holders, one which will result in meaningful actions to enhance the Company’s growth and profitability, China Pakistan Economic Corridor as declared by the GOP as game changer is special focus of the firm and we are in discussion with different stake holders about their plans for related investments:


To become reliable and trustworthy service provider in domestic and international arena.


Delivering the clients best possible, surpassing expectations.

Smart Sourcing

Outsourcing different business processes and segmental work has become an entrepreneurial prerequisite these days. Developing every resource in house not only cost too much for businesses but becoming impossible to retain. Which raised sustainability issues for many organizations. Leading organizations have already outsources their many segments for years and are satisfied as well. ARC has dedicated team headed by ACCAs and CMAs along with qualified staff to keep satisfied their cliental.
Mr. Aamir possess more than 15 years of experience.
Aamir Rasheed Rashid (FCA)

Let our experience be your guide.

Your right destination contact with us.


Aamir Rasheed & Co. is one of the established chartered accountant firms in Pakistan registered under Institute of Chartered Accountants Ordinance, 1961. Management has vast experience and proven track record based on result oriented approach.