FAQs on Tax Asaan App

Following are the FAQs on Tax Asaan App

Q1.  Please describe Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) FAQs on Tax Asaan App?

Ans:  It is a mobile application designed by Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to ease the process and aid tax payers. It is a free application installable in Android as well as IOS based smart phones. Wizard based Income tax Return filing option is also obtainable in IRIS. These features will assist taxpayers to proceeds step by step utilizing interactive questions for return filing.

Q2.  What are the Purpose and utility of Tax Asaan Applications?

Ans:  Tax Asaan Application aids Tax Payers in followings ways:

  • Income Tax registration
  • Sales tax registration
  • Return filing for salaried Individuals
  • Password Recovery
  • Creation of Tax payments, PSIDs
  • Verification of POS invoices
  • FBR Maloomat

Q3. Is it beneficial to register on Tax Asaan Separately?

Ans: Individuals who are already registered with IRIS, separate registration isn’t required on Tax Asaan because same username and password would be used for both IRIS & Tax Asaan.

Q4. What if one wants to switch from IRIS to Tax Asaan.

Ans: Drafts previously created in IRIS can be deleted and start using Tax Asaan for return filing.

Q5. What differentiates Tax Asaan from IRIS?

Ans: Wizard-based interface for filing details and requires less complex details makes Tax Asaan more suitable for salaried individuals who want to file own return.

Q6. Whether wizard based interface is unique to Tax Asaan?

Ans:  Wizard-based interface is available in IRIS as well.

Q7. Can an individual file his/her tax returns of all years using Tax Asaan?

Ans: Tax Asaan only permits to file return for 2019 onwards. Return for Tax Year 2022 will be made available in near future.

Q8.  How Tax Asaan makes return filing easier?

Ans:  Taxpayer can file his/her returns in eight steps whether using Tax Asaan or Wizard Based filing system just by answering simple questions.

Q9.  Who is a Resident?

Ans: An individual shall be a resident individual for a tax year if the individual-

  • is present in Pakistan for a period of, or periods amounting in aggregate to, one hundred and eighty-three days (183) or more in the tax year;
  • is an employee or official of the Federal Government or a Provincial Government posted abroad in the tax year;
  • being a citizen of Pakistan is not present in any other country for more than one hundred and eighty-two days during the tax year or who is not a resident taxpayer of any other country.

Q10.  Who is a non-resident?

Ans: A person not being a resident person for particular year shall be a non-resident person for that tax year.

Q11.  Who is a salaried person?

Ans: Where income of a person chargeable under the head salary exceeds 75% of the taxable income he shall, will be a salaried person.

Q12.  Can an individual choose a rate of tax in Tax Asaan?

Ans: The system its chooses applicable rate based on threshold of his/her income.

Q13: Is tax chargeable at different rates to federal government and provincial government employees?

Ans: Tax rates for salaried income of all classes are same. However, there are different rates for different income slabs.

Q14: What if one forgets Tax Asaan Application Password?

Ans: Taxpayers can recover or reset the password of such application using his/her registered email address and cell phone number without visiting the tax office.

Q15.  How can an individual update email and cell phone number in tax profile?

Ans: A taxpayer can update or change his/her details just by logging into his/her account.

Q16.  What if an individual have forgotten his/her password and don’t have access to email or phone number registered in tax profile?

Ans: In such case, an individual should visit the nearest tax office or authorize someone in his/her behalf to update the email address and cell phone number.

Q17.  Why should an individual visit nearest tax office to update information of his/her tax profile in case he/she doesn’t have access to the account?

Ans: In order to secure confidential details of a taxpayer, email address and cell phone number cannot be updated without verification of taxpayer’s claims.

Q18. What if taxpayers have file incorrect return using tax Asaan and want to correct it?

Ans: A taxpayer can revise the return using IRIS desktop application.

Q19. Do taxpayers need to attach documents in Tax Asaan while filing return?

Ans:  Tax Asaan is a simple filing process. So, no attachment is mandatory for filing return through TaxAsaan.

Q20. Can a taxpayer check his/her previous year’s record through Tax Asaan?

Ans:  Currently, Tax asaan application doesn’t permit an individual to view any previous data, returns, statement or records. In order to review other details, a tax payer should visit IRIS desktop application.

Q21. Can a taxpayer file return for the Ty 2022 using Tax Asaan Application?

Ans: Currently, a taxpayer can only file return for Ty 2021 using Tax Asaan. But, Return process for the TY 2022 will be updated soon. These FAQs on Tax Asaan App let you file your income tax return smoothly

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